Memorandum of Understandings (MoU)

The MoU is intended to recognize the general basis for a cooperative and a collaborative working relationship between the institute and industry. The purpose of MoU is to have mutual intentions to jointly work on projects required for industries and research needs, with learned faculty of good industrial experience and promising students, jointly agree to exchange their expertise for mutual benefit and growth, on the areas which includes Industrial Visits, Guest lectures, Projects, problem solving skills, Internships, Placement and establishing advanced labs.

The joining hands between the Industry and Institute is an essential to strengthen the relationship between industry and our institute. The Industry-Institution Interaction will provide an excellent platform for both the students as well as the faculty members to be aware of industry expectations from the graduates. It acts as a podium to showcase the best practices, latest technologies in industry stand point and their implementation. It also helps industry experts to continuously participate in curriculum design and career development programs which play a significant role in honing the skill set of the students inclined towards the expectation of the industry. Towards up scaling the academia in the Global knowledge index. The ample industrial exposure is provided to the students and faculty members to enhance the Teaching Learning Process and enable the Institution to produce quality students in turn.