Training & Placement Department

Dear, Akshaya Institute of technology Budding engineers, we tend to congratulate you for selecting Akshaya Institute of Technology for pursuing your Graduation. Every student walks into Akshaya Institute of technology with a dream to create a prosperous career. We dedicate all our efforts to mould you to create you to be fit for organization through our strategic approach.

The Career Guidance Development and Placement Cell aims of bridging the gap between academia and industry. We focus on industry academic interface programs in collaboration with leading industries in various sectors. Akshaya Institute of Technology proudly boast of providing our students with a wide range of Campus Recruitment Training programs aimed at enhancing their life skills, hard skills, Soft Skills, employability skills, Personality Development right kind of knowledge, technical skills, thinking out of box, creative and innovativeness as well as providing them with many curricular and extra-curricular events to ignite their minds. In addition, various career orientating seminars and workshops followed by campus placements.

We develop right attitude and skills to face challenges in work culture. Akshaya institute of technology highly value our partnership with recruiters, alumni and well-wishers, and would appreciate our students who are provided with an opportunity to showcase their skills and abilities in organizations of repute. We will invite all prospective employers to our campus for recruitment process and assure our whole-hearted support and cooperation.